A Great Weekend

Jake and I just returned......literally, just got out of the car and are in his office at church until it's time for me to go to class......from a wonderful weekend of training and learning in St. Louis. We went to the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers' Convention for the last five days and soaked in so much new information. It was a time of learning lots of practical tips for ministry but also a time where God really worked in our hearts and refreshed our love for Him.

One helpful session in particular was a Q & A with Doug and Cathy Fields. If you don't know who that is, he's one of the most nationally known youth pastors these days. But for our session, we didn't talk so much about youth ministry, but instead about marriage and all of the stresses that are put on it when in full-time ministry. It was so nice to hear from "veterans" who figured out a good balance. It was also nice just to be getting advice from two people who understand what it means to be in full-time ministry. I have learned in just this last year of being in it ourselves that people really don't get it....they think they do.....but they don't. I've learned to just smile, nod and allow those folks to make their comparisons, but to walk away and not take too much of it to heart. I don't mean this to sound harsh.....I know that there are many people who have 9-5 jobs that work very hard, work overtime and have many stresses put on them and their families because of their job. I just don't know how to explain it, but ministry is so different.....those of you in ministry can understand and possibly shed more light on this if you have a way of describing it! Cathy said in another session I was in (titled, Help! I Married a Youth Worker!) that the room of women she was standing before knew her life better than her best friends did in the sense that we're living it.....we are now living what she's been living the last 25 years and will continue to live for many more. That made me feel good too, being in that room with all of those wives.

Anyway, I'm just very thankful for such a refreshing weekend. Cole was with my parents so I never worried about him....and let me tell you.....it was nice to not have any responsibility for 5 days! I miss him dearly, but you mothers know how nice a break feels! And now I am off to class......vacation is over.......back to the grind we call life!


steve said...

Please believe me when I say that I can see both sides. I have seen the stress of ministry in my brothers lives and I myself have been the nine to fiver who serves in my church. It is so easy to view ministry as a chore, from both sides of the coin, but if we change our view of service as a privilege I think our perspective changes. From the view of privileged, you become more thankful for the time you get to serve Him. Sometimes I am envious of the ones who are able to serve full time. Then comes the realization of my role - Through giving, I work to help serve the role of the ones in full time ministry. We all play a role in God's perfect plan.

Megan Manne said...

Steve, I appreciate your comment alot. I re-read my blog because I didn't want to sound in any way like people who serve outside of their non-ministerial jobs don't give 110% and have a lot of pressures on them as well. I think it's obvious that I was just in a place that particular day where I was....well.....tired. Life has just been crazy lately and I guess I've been getting lost in the calendar dates and not been able to focus on the actual service we've been doing. Thank you for reminding me that being able to serve God is a PRIVILEGE. When that becomes something that's just expected of you because of the position you're in, it loses its flavor and I think I start thinking of doing things for people rather than God.....and some days I just really don't want to serve people. Anyway, I do appreciate your comment so much and find that i really need to work on putting it all in perspective....God's perspective rather than my own.

steve said...


Please don't take my comments as condemning. I myself struggle with keeping the positive attitude while serving. My hope was to encourage you. I love the way you express your true feelings in your blog. It is that ability to express your feelings which makes you approachable by those you serve.


Megan Manne said...

Thank you....I didn't feel condemned by you at all.....but your comments did make me think through it some more, which is a good thing....really!

A New Spark

June also brought with it a somewhat new adventure for Maurah.  She joined MainStage Academy of Dance in the winter and showcased her work t...