Ho-Hum, Ho-Hum

Sorry for the absence (not that you've been sitting around, just waiting for me to show up! :)).  There hasn't been too much happening to write about, I suppose.  A little of this, a little of that.  I needed to get my silly photo off the top of our blog though!  So.......here's a dreaded bullet list to fill you in on the ever-exciting life of the Mannes:

  • The kids and I attended our first ever MOPS playdate at the park.  It went really well and I'm looking forward to trying out this program more to meet some more moms who are in the same stage of life I am.  I'm especially proud of Cole who almost tried jumping in the blowup jumpy castle (you know what I mean?).  Almost.  When he tried to go through the teeny opening with at least five kids with their dirty socks in his face on their way out, he got a bit freaked.  I can't imagine why that would freak him out.  Yuck.  This almost is a big step for my timid oldest and I'm so proud.
  • Beth Moore's study on Esther is wonderful.  I've only done the first week but have learned so much about God's Word and myself already.  If you haven't done it, you should try it!  I do it by myself each morning for my alone time with God so don't feel like you have to do a group study to get anything out of it.  I'm looking forward to these next eight weeks!
  • Another Beth Moore plug - I've just finished reading her book, Feathers From My Nest and it's another great read for moms.  Some days life as a mom can seem so mundane and have little value.  I was feeling this way when I ordered this book from Amazon and I'm telling you - I have a new focus and have been so encouraged!  A new 'tude as my kids would say!
  • Jake just had his last week of two-night youth group.  For the rest of the time, he'll only be gone on Wednesdays.  This decision was made in the best interest of the youth group, but I like to pretend it's because he wanted to be home to help me with the bedtime battles.  :)
  • I've been thinking a lot about Cole starting preschool in the fall.  In just a couple of months, he will no longer be with just me all day.  It's the first time ever that someone else will get much of his days.  I'm sad and excited all at the same time.  I'm trying to get as much fun in this summer as we can because my time with him is growing limited already.  I'm sure I'll lament on this more later.  
  • The girls are talking nonstop now.  It gets incredibly loud around here.  I try to keep in touch with people through phone conversations but it just can't happen unless Jake is home and I'm in our room.  Alone.  With the door locked.  And the fan on to block out the noise outside of the door.  
  • Our favorite new fun is having a dance party to the Laurie Berkner Band.  If you haven't heard her dinosaur song, you should.  (Here you go.  :))  We pretend to be dinosaurs and run around like crazy.  Honestly, I haven't had this much fun in a long time.  
  • I've been spending some time playing Legos with Cole every day.  I love it.  He does too.  I'm so glad we're out of the pretending to be Storm Troopers stage and we can sit and build.  It's great.
  • I'm learning how to get crayon out of carpet.  As in - bright orange crayon.  As in - an entire block of carpet colored.  I will not report the culprit except to say that this is the same person who "shot the bad guys" with an entire container of baby powder.  The doctor says this person has an incredible imagination and it's a sign of intelligence.  I say, when did intelligence get so messy?
See?  I told you that I really don't have much to say.  I should change the name of our blog to "The Dulldrums.....No News....Sorry!".  I guess overall, it's just been nice to not have too much happening!  A great respite after such a busy spring!  Although, I suppose the name of our blog is just right.  "Celebrating the Everyday Ordinary."  Sometimes it's in the ordinary that things are most wonderful.

I leave you with my little lady who, if you notice, has shins so chubby, they fall over her sandals.  If you feel the need to reach into the computer and pinch her cheeks, I don't blame you.  Be still, my heart.  Bless her.

1 comment:

Emily said...

1. Yay MOPS and Sophie feels the same way about the bouncy house, especially if the fan is really lound, she hates it!
2. Beth Moore's Esther is AWESOME, my favorite study HANDS DOWN, make sure you get to watch the video teachings. Love me some "Feathers From My Nest" too!
3. I would love to hang out at your house and hear all the chatter that goes on, I'm sure it's a blast!
4. I'm 99% sure I will be homeschooling Sophie in the fall but she will also attend my mom's afternoon preschool class for socialization
5. I love reading about the mundane!
6. I miss you, you need to pile all the kiddos in the car and come chill at my house for a few days, we have plenty of room (especially with Ryan gone)and it would be so much fun!!
7. I love you, the end!

A New Spark

June also brought with it a somewhat new adventure for Maurah.  She joined MainStage Academy of Dance in the winter and showcased her work t...